Bing created a website and advertisement for asking people if they like bing or google better. In the commercials, all the bystanders state that they choose Bing as their reliable search engine. Obviously, millions of people in America probably deny this fact because Google seems to be more creative and better outcomes. During this youtube video, you will see fake persuasion just to manipulate the minds in choosing a specific search engine.
1/30/2014 12:05:06 am

That's hilarious!


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    My name is Sanya Malhotra. On this blog, we have updates on better features between all these search engines. Also, there was one aggressive ad between two of these search engines. Please vote what you like best. I am the researcher for the best search engine.  My prediction is Google. 


    Bing Powers Yahoo
    Google Logos
    Google Vs. Bing