Recently, Microsoft Bing is controlling Yahoo! because the CEO agreed to sign a contract in 2009 for Bing to power Yahoo!. Marissa Mayer, the current CEO and President of Yahoo!, is trying hard to get out of this deal. First, Yahoo! wanted to rival against Google by having Microsoft on their side, but Yahoo! regrets signing this deal. In my opinion, Yahoo kind of deserves feeling this pressure because they made a wrong decision. Currently, Yahoo is trying to be on Google's side because they're doing well in buisness than Bing.


    My name is Sanya Malhotra. On this blog, we have updates on better features between all these search engines. Also, there was one aggressive ad between two of these search engines. Please vote what you like best. I am the researcher for the best search engine.  My prediction is Google. 


    Bing Powers Yahoo
    Google Logos
    Google Vs. Bing